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  • Series:一维数组
  • DateFrame:二维数组(矩阵)



import numpy as npimport pandas as pd


  • Series


    s = pd.Series([1,3,4,np.nan,7,9])sOut[5]: 0    1.01    3.02    4.03    NaN4    7.05    9.0dtype: float64


    pd.Series([1,3,4,np.nan,7,9], index=[1,1,2,2,'a',4])Out[9]: 1    1.01    3.02    4.02    NaNa    7.04    9.0dtype: float64


  • DataFrame


    • 通过传入一个numpy的数组、指定一个时间的索引以及一个列名。

      dates = pd.date_range('20190101', periods=6)datesOut[11]: DatetimeIndex(['2019-01-01', '2019-01-02', '2019-01-03', '2019-01-04',               '2019-01-05', '2019-01-06'],              dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq='D')df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(6,4), index=dates, columns=list('ABCD'))dfOut[18]:                    A         B         C         D2019-01-01  0.671622  0.785726  0.392435  0.8746922019-01-02 -2.420703 -1.116208 -0.346070  0.7859412019-01-03  1.364425 -0.947641  2.386880  0.5853722019-01-04 -0.485980 -1.281454  0.354063 -1.4188582019-01-05 -1.122717 -2.789041 -0.791812 -0.1743452019-01-06  0.221597 -0.753038 -1.741256  0.287280
    • 通过传入一个dict对象

      df2 = pd.DataFrame({'A':1.,                    'B':pd.Timestamp('20190101'),                    'C':pd.Series(1, index=list(range(4)), dtype='float32'),                    'D':np.array([3]*4, dtype='int32'),                    'E':pd.Categorical(["test", "tain", "test", "train"]),                    'F':'foo'})df2Out[27]:      A          B    C  D      E    F0  1.0 2019-01-01  1.0  3   test  foo1  1.0 2019-01-01  1.0  3   tain  foo2  1.0 2019-01-01  1.0  3   test  foo3  1.0 2019-01-01  1.0  3  train  foo


      df2.dtypesOut[28]: A           float64B    datetime64[ns]C           float32D             int32E          categoryF            objectdtype: object



  • 查看开头几行或者末尾几行:

    df.head()Out[30]:                    A         B         C         D2019-01-01  0.671622  0.785726  0.392435  0.8746922019-01-02 -2.420703 -1.116208 -0.346070  0.7859412019-01-03  1.364425 -0.947641  2.386880  0.5853722019-01-04 -0.485980 -1.281454  0.354063 -1.4188582019-01-05 -1.122717 -2.789041 -0.791812 -0.174345df.tail(3)Out[31]:                    A         B         C         D2019-01-04 -0.485980 -1.281454  0.354063 -1.4188582019-01-05 -1.122717 -2.789041 -0.791812 -0.1743452019-01-06  0.221597 -0.753038 -1.741256  0.287280


  • 查看索引和列名

    df.indexOut[32]: DatetimeIndex(['2019-01-01', '2019-01-02', '2019-01-03', '2019-01-04',               '2019-01-05', '2019-01-06'],              dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq='D')df.columnsOut[33]: Index(['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'], dtype='object')
  • 使用DataFrame.to_numpy()转化为numpy数据。需要注意的是由于numpy array类型数据只可包含一种格式,而DataFrame类型数据可包含多种格式,所以在转换过程中,pandas会找到一种可以处理DateFrame中国所有格式的numpy array格式,比如object。这个过程会耗费一定的计算量。

    df.to_numpy()Out[35]: array([[ 0.67162219,  0.78572584,  0.39243527,  0.87469243],       [-2.42070338, -1.11620768, -0.34607048,  0.78594081],       [ 1.36442543, -0.94764138,  2.38688005,  0.58537186],       [-0.48597971, -1.28145415,  0.35406263, -1.41885798],       [-1.12271697, -2.78904135, -0.79181242, -0.17434484],       [ 0.22159737, -0.75303807, -1.74125564,  0.28728004]])df2.to_numpy()Out[36]: array([[1.0, Timestamp('2019-01-01 00:00:00'), 1.0, 3, 'test', 'foo'],       [1.0, Timestamp('2019-01-01 00:00:00'), 1.0, 3, 'tain', 'foo'],       [1.0, Timestamp('2019-01-01 00:00:00'), 1.0, 3, 'test', 'foo'],       [1.0, Timestamp('2019-01-01 00:00:00'), 1.0, 3, 'train', 'foo']],      dtype=object)


  • 查看数据的简要统计结果

    df.describe()Out[37]:               A         B         C         Dcount  6.000000  6.000000  6.000000  6.000000mean  -0.295293 -1.016943  0.042373  0.156680std    1.356107  1.144047  1.396030  0.860725min   -2.420703 -2.789041 -1.741256 -1.41885825%   -0.963533 -1.240143 -0.680377 -0.05893950%   -0.132191 -1.031925  0.003996  0.43632675%    0.559116 -0.801689  0.382842  0.735799max    1.364425  0.785726  2.386880  0.874692
  • 转置

    df.TOut[38]:    2019-01-01  2019-01-02  2019-01-03  2019-01-04  2019-01-05  2019-01-06A    0.671622   -2.420703    1.364425   -0.485980   -1.122717    0.221597B    0.785726   -1.116208   -0.947641   -1.281454   -2.789041   -0.753038C    0.392435   -0.346070    2.386880    0.354063   -0.791812   -1.741256D    0.874692    0.785941    0.585372   -1.418858   -0.174345    0.287280
  • 按坐标轴排序,其中axis参数为坐标轴,axis默认为0,即横轴(对行排序),axis=1则为纵轴(对列排序);asceding参数默认为True,即升序排序,ascending=False则为降序排序:

    df.sort_index(axis=1)Out[44]:                    A         B         C         D2019-01-01  0.671622  0.785726  0.392435  0.8746922019-01-02 -2.420703 -1.116208 -0.346070  0.7859412019-01-03  1.364425 -0.947641  2.386880  0.5853722019-01-04 -0.485980 -1.281454  0.354063 -1.4188582019-01-05 -1.122717 -2.789041 -0.791812 -0.1743452019-01-06  0.221597 -0.753038 -1.741256  0.287280df.sort_index(axis=1, ascending=False)Out[45]:                    D         C         B         A2019-01-01  0.874692  0.392435  0.785726  0.6716222019-01-02  0.785941 -0.346070 -1.116208 -2.4207032019-01-03  0.585372  2.386880 -0.947641  1.3644252019-01-04 -1.418858  0.354063 -1.281454 -0.4859802019-01-05 -0.174345 -0.791812 -2.789041 -1.1227172019-01-06  0.287280 -1.741256 -0.753038  0.221597


  • 按数值排序:

    df.sort_values(by='B')Out[46]:                    A         B         C         D2019-01-05 -1.122717 -2.789041 -0.791812 -0.1743452019-01-04 -0.485980 -1.281454  0.354063 -1.4188582019-01-02 -2.420703 -1.116208 -0.346070  0.7859412019-01-03  1.364425 -0.947641  2.386880  0.5853722019-01-06  0.221597 -0.753038 -1.741256  0.2872802019-01-01  0.671622  0.785726  0.392435  0.874692df.sort_values(by='B', ascending=False)Out[47]:                    A         B         C         D2019-01-01  0.671622  0.785726  0.392435  0.8746922019-01-06  0.221597 -0.753038 -1.741256  0.2872802019-01-03  1.364425 -0.947641  2.386880  0.5853722019-01-02 -2.420703 -1.116208 -0.346070  0.7859412019-01-04 -0.485980 -1.281454  0.354063 -1.4188582019-01-05 -1.122717 -2.789041 -0.791812 -0.174345


  • 获取某列

    df['A']Out[49]: 2019-01-01    0.6716222019-01-02   -2.4207032019-01-03    1.3644252019-01-04   -0.4859802019-01-05   -1.1227172019-01-06    0.221597Freq: D, Name: A, dtype: float64type(df.A)Out[52]: pandas.core.series.Series


  • 选择多行

    df[0:3]Out[53]:                    A         B         C         D2019-01-01  0.671622  0.785726  0.392435  0.8746922019-01-02 -2.420703 -1.116208 -0.346070  0.7859412019-01-03  1.364425 -0.947641  2.386880  0.585372df['20190102':'20190104']Out[54]:                    A         B         C         D2019-01-02 -2.420703 -1.116208 -0.346070  0.7859412019-01-03  1.364425 -0.947641  2.386880  0.5853722019-01-04 -0.485980 -1.281454  0.354063 -1.418858


  • 通过标签选择

    • 选择某行

      df.loc[dates[0]]Out[57]: A    0.671622B    0.785726C    0.392435D    0.874692Name: 2019-01-01 00:00:00, dtype: float64
    • 选择指定行列的数据

      df.loc[:, ('A', 'C')]Out[58]:                    A         C2019-01-01  0.671622  0.3924352019-01-02 -2.420703 -0.3460702019-01-03  1.364425  2.3868802019-01-04 -0.485980  0.3540632019-01-05 -1.122717 -0.7918122019-01-06  0.221597 -1.741256df.loc['20190102':'20190105', ('A', 'C')]Out[62]:                    A         C2019-01-02 -2.420703 -0.3460702019-01-03  1.364425  2.3868802019-01-04 -0.485980  0.3540632019-01-05 -1.122717 -0.791812


    • 选定某值

      df.loc['20190102', 'A']Out[69]: -2.420703380445092df.at[dates[1], 'A']Out[70]: -2.420703380445092


      df.at['20190102', 'A']  File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 81, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_value  File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 89, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_value  File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 449, in pandas._libs.index.DatetimeEngine.get_loc  File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 455, in pandas._libs.index.DatetimeEngine._date_check_typeKeyError: '20190102'
  • 通过位置选择

    • 选择某行

      df.iloc[3]Out[71]: A   -0.485980B   -1.281454C    0.354063D   -1.418858Name: 2019-01-04 00:00:00, dtype: float64


    • 选择指定行列的数据

      df.iloc[3:5, 0:2]Out[72]:                    A         B2019-01-04 -0.485980 -1.2814542019-01-05 -1.122717 -2.789041df.iloc[:,:]Out[73]:                    A         B         C         D2019-01-01  0.671622  0.785726  0.392435  0.8746922019-01-02 -2.420703 -1.116208 -0.346070  0.7859412019-01-03  1.364425 -0.947641  2.386880  0.5853722019-01-04 -0.485980 -1.281454  0.354063 -1.4188582019-01-05 -1.122717 -2.789041 -0.791812 -0.1743452019-01-06  0.221597 -0.753038 -1.741256  0.287280df.iloc[[1, 2, 4], [0, 2]]Out[74]:                    A         C2019-01-02 -2.420703 -0.3460702019-01-03  1.364425  2.3868802019-01-05 -1.122717 -0.791812


    • 选择某值

      df.iloc[1, 1]Out[75]: -1.1162076820700824df.iat[1, 1]Out[76]: -1.1162076820700824


  • 按条件判断选择

    • 按某列的数值判断选择

      df[df.A > 0]Out[77]:                    A         B         C         D2019-01-01  0.671622  0.785726  0.392435  0.8746922019-01-03  1.364425 -0.947641  2.386880  0.5853722019-01-06  0.221597 -0.753038 -1.741256  0.287280
    • 筛选出符合要求的数据

      df[df > 0]Out[78]:                    A         B         C         D2019-01-01  0.671622  0.785726  0.392435  0.8746922019-01-02       NaN       NaN       NaN  0.7859412019-01-03  1.364425       NaN  2.386880  0.5853722019-01-04       NaN       NaN  0.354063       NaN2019-01-05       NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN2019-01-06  0.221597       NaN       NaN  0.287280


    • 使用isin()方法筛选

      df2 = df.copy()df2['E'] = ['one', 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'three']df2Out[88]:                    A         B         C         D      E2019-01-01  0.671622  0.785726  0.392435  0.874692    one2019-01-02 -2.420703 -1.116208 -0.346070  0.785941    one2019-01-03  1.364425 -0.947641  2.386880  0.585372    two2019-01-04 -0.485980 -1.281454  0.354063 -1.418858  three2019-01-05 -1.122717 -2.789041 -0.791812 -0.174345   four2019-01-06  0.221597 -0.753038 -1.741256  0.287280  threedf2['E'].isin(['two', 'four'])Out[89]: 2019-01-01    False2019-01-02    False2019-01-03     True2019-01-04    False2019-01-05     True2019-01-06    FalseFreq: D, Name: E, dtype: booldf2[df2['E'].isin(['two', 'four'])]Out[90]:                    A         B         C         D     E2019-01-03  1.364425 -0.947641  2.386880  0.585372   two2019-01-05 -1.122717 -2.789041 -0.791812 -0.174345  four


      df.isin([-1.1162076820700824])Out[95]:                 A      B      C      D2019-01-01  False  False  False  False2019-01-02  False   True  False  False2019-01-03  False  False  False  False2019-01-04  False  False  False  False2019-01-05  False  False  False  False2019-01-06  False  False  False  False
  • 设定值

    • 通过指定索引设定列

      s1 = pd.Series([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], index=pd.date_range('20190102', periods=6))s1Out[98]: 2019-01-02    12019-01-03    22019-01-04    32019-01-05    42019-01-06    52019-01-07    6Freq: D, dtype: int64df['F']=s1dfOut[101]:                    A         B         C         D    F2019-01-01  0.671622  0.785726  0.392435  0.874692  NaN2019-01-02 -2.420703 -1.116208 -0.346070  0.785941  1.02019-01-03  1.364425 -0.947641  2.386880  0.585372  2.02019-01-04 -0.485980 -1.281454  0.354063 -1.418858  3.02019-01-05 -1.122717 -2.789041 -0.791812 -0.174345  4.02019-01-06  0.221597 -0.753038 -1.741256  0.287280  5.0


    • 通过标签设定值

      df.at[dates[0], 'A'] = 0dfOut[103]:                    A         B         C         D    F2019-01-01  0.000000  0.785726  0.392435  0.874692  NaN2019-01-02 -2.420703 -1.116208 -0.346070  0.785941  1.02019-01-03  1.364425 -0.947641  2.386880  0.585372  2.02019-01-04 -0.485980 -1.281454  0.354063 -1.418858  3.02019-01-05 -1.122717 -2.789041 -0.791812 -0.174345  4.02019-01-06  0.221597 -0.753038 -1.741256  0.287280  5.0
    • 通过为止设定值

      df.iat[0, 1] = 0dfOut[105]:                    A         B         C         D    F2019-01-01  0.000000  0.000000  0.392435  0.874692  NaN2019-01-02 -2.420703 -1.116208 -0.346070  0.785941  1.02019-01-03  1.364425 -0.947641  2.386880  0.585372  2.02019-01-04 -0.485980 -1.281454  0.354063 -1.418858  3.02019-01-05 -1.122717 -2.789041 -0.791812 -0.174345  4.02019-01-06  0.221597 -0.753038 -1.741256  0.287280  5.0
    • 通过NumPy array设定值

      df.loc[:, 'D'] = np.array([5] * len(df))dfOut[109]:                    A         B         C  D    F2019-01-01  0.000000  0.000000  0.392435  5  NaN2019-01-02 -2.420703 -1.116208 -0.346070  5  1.02019-01-03  1.364425 -0.947641  2.386880  5  2.02019-01-04 -0.485980 -1.281454  0.354063  5  3.02019-01-05 -1.122717 -2.789041 -0.791812  5  4.02019-01-06  0.221597 -0.753038 -1.741256  5  5.0
    • 通过条件判断设定值

      df2 = df.copy()df2[df2 > 0] = -df2df2Out[112]:                    A         B         C  D    F2019-01-01  0.000000  0.000000 -0.392435 -5  NaN2019-01-02 -2.420703 -1.116208 -0.346070 -5 -1.02019-01-03 -1.364425 -0.947641 -2.386880 -5 -2.02019-01-04 -0.485980 -1.281454 -0.354063 -5 -3.02019-01-05 -1.122717 -2.789041 -0.791812 -5 -4.02019-01-06 -0.221597 -0.753038 -1.741256 -5 -5.0




df1 = df.reindex(index=dates[0:4], columns=list(df.columns) + ['E'])df1.loc[dates[0]:dates[1], 'E'] = 1df1Out[115]:                    A         B         C  D    F    E2019-01-01  0.000000  0.000000  0.392435  5  NaN  1.02019-01-02 -2.420703 -1.116208 -0.346070  5  1.0  1.02019-01-03  1.364425 -0.947641  2.386880  5  2.0  NaN2019-01-04 -0.485980 -1.281454  0.354063  5  3.0  NaN
  • 删除空值

    df1.dropna(how='any')Out[116]:                    A         B        C  D    F    E2019-01-02 -2.420703 -1.116208 -0.34607  5  1.0  1.0
  • 填充空值

    df1.fillna(value=5)Out[117]:                    A         B         C  D    F    E2019-01-01  0.000000  0.000000  0.392435  5  5.0  1.02019-01-02 -2.420703 -1.116208 -0.346070  5  1.0  1.02019-01-03  1.364425 -0.947641  2.386880  5  2.0  5.02019-01-04 -0.485980 -1.281454  0.354063  5  3.0  5.0
  • 判断是否为空值

    pd.isna(df1)Out[118]:                 A      B      C      D      F      E2019-01-01  False  False  False  False   True  False2019-01-02  False  False  False  False  False  False2019-01-03  False  False  False  False  False   True2019-01-04  False  False  False  False  False   True


  • 统计

    注意 所有的统计默认是不包含空值的

    • 平均值


      df.mean()Out[119]: A   -0.407230B   -1.147897C    0.042373D    5.000000F    3.000000dtype: float64


      df.mean(1)Out[120]: 2019-01-01    1.3481092019-01-02    0.4234042019-01-03    1.9607332019-01-04    1.3173262019-01-05    0.8592862019-01-06    1.545461Freq: D, dtype: float64
    • 数值移动

      s = pd.Series([1, 3, 5, np.nan, 6, 8], index=dates)sOut[122]: 2019-01-01    1.02019-01-02    3.02019-01-03    5.02019-01-04    NaN2019-01-05    6.02019-01-06    8.0Freq: D, dtype: float64s = s.shift(2)sOut[125]: 2019-01-01    NaN2019-01-02    NaN2019-01-03    1.02019-01-04    3.02019-01-05    5.02019-01-06    NaNFreq: D, dtype: float64


    • 不同维度间的运算,pandas会自动扩展维度:

      df.sub(s, axis='index')Out[128]:                    A         B         C    D    F2019-01-01       NaN       NaN       NaN  NaN  NaN2019-01-02       NaN       NaN       NaN  NaN  NaN2019-01-03  0.364425 -1.947641  1.386880  4.0  1.02019-01-04 -3.485980 -4.281454 -2.645937  2.0  0.02019-01-05 -6.122717 -7.789041 -5.791812  0.0 -1.02019-01-06       NaN       NaN       NaN  NaN  NaN
  • 应用


    • 累计求和

      df.apply(np.cumsum)Out[130]:                    A         B         C   D     F2019-01-01  0.000000  0.000000  0.392435   5   NaN2019-01-02 -2.420703 -1.116208  0.046365  10   1.02019-01-03 -1.056278 -2.063849  2.433245  15   3.02019-01-04 -1.542258 -3.345303  2.787307  20   6.02019-01-05 -2.664975 -6.134345  1.995495  25  10.02019-01-06 -2.443377 -6.887383  0.254239  30  15.0


      df.cumsum()Out[133]:                    A         B         C     D     F2019-01-01  0.000000  0.000000  0.392435   5.0   NaN2019-01-02 -2.420703 -1.116208  0.046365  10.0   1.02019-01-03 -1.056278 -2.063849  2.433245  15.0   3.02019-01-04 -1.542258 -3.345303  2.787307  20.0   6.02019-01-05 -2.664975 -6.134345  1.995495  25.0  10.02019-01-06 -2.443377 -6.887383  0.254239  30.0  15.0
    • 自定义方法


      df.apply(lambda x: x.max() - x.min())Out[134]: A    3.785129B    2.789041C    4.128136D    0.000000F    4.000000dtype: float64
  • 矩阵


    s = pd.Series(np.random.randint(0, 7, size=10))sOut[136]: 0    21    02    43    04    35    36    67    48    69    5dtype: int64s.value_counts()Out[137]: 6    24    23    20    25    12    1dtype: int64
  • String方法


    • 比如转换成大写:

      s = pd.Series(['A', 'B', 'C', 'Aaba', 'Baca', np.nan, 'CABA', 'dog', 'cat'])s.str.upper()Out[139]: 0       A1       B2       C3    AABA4    BACA5     NaN6    CABA7     DOG8     CATdtype: object
    • 分列:

      s = pd.Series(['A,b', 'c,d'])sOut[142]: 0    A,b1    c,ddtype: objects.str.split(',', expand=True)Out[143]:    0  10  A  b1  c  d
    • 其他方法:

      dir(str)Out[140]: ['capitalize', 'casefold', 'center', 'count', 'encode', 'endswith', 'expandtabs', 'find', 'format', 'format_map', 'index', 'isalnum', 'isalpha', 'isascii', 'isdecimal', 'isdigit', 'isidentifier', 'islower', 'isnumeric', 'isprintable', 'isspace', 'istitle', 'isupper', 'join', 'ljust', 'lower', 'lstrip', 'maketrans', 'partition', 'replace', 'rfind', 'rindex', 'rjust', 'rpartition', 'rsplit', 'rstrip', 'split', 'splitlines', 'startswith', 'strip', 'swapcase', 'title', 'translate', 'upper', 'zfill']


pandas`可以提供很多方法可以快速的合并各种类型的Series、DataFrame以及Panel Object。

  • Concat方法

    df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(10, 4))dfOut[145]:           0         1         2         30 -0.227408 -0.185674 -0.187919  0.1856851  1.132517 -0.539992  1.156631 -0.0224682  0.214134 -1.283055 -0.862972  0.5189423  0.785903  1.033915 -0.471496 -1.4037624 -0.676717 -0.529971 -1.161988 -1.2650715  0.670126  1.320960 -0.128098  0.7186316  0.589902  0.349386  0.221955  1.7491887 -0.328885  0.607929 -0.973610 -0.9284728  1.724243 -0.661503 -0.374254  0.4092509  1.346625  0.618285  0.528776 -0.628470# break it into piecespieces = [df[:3], df[3:7], df[7:]]piecesOut[147]: [          0         1         2         3 0 -0.227408 -0.185674 -0.187919  0.185685 1  1.132517 -0.539992  1.156631 -0.022468 2  0.214134 -1.283055 -0.862972  0.518942,           0         1         2         3 3  0.785903  1.033915 -0.471496 -1.403762 4 -0.676717 -0.529971 -1.161988 -1.265071 5  0.670126  1.320960 -0.128098  0.718631 6  0.589902  0.349386  0.221955  1.749188,           0         1         2         3 7 -0.328885  0.607929 -0.973610 -0.928472 8  1.724243 -0.661503 -0.374254  0.409250 9  1.346625  0.618285  0.528776 -0.628470]pd.concat(pieces)Out[148]:           0         1         2         30 -0.227408 -0.185674 -0.187919  0.1856851  1.132517 -0.539992  1.156631 -0.0224682  0.214134 -1.283055 -0.862972  0.5189423  0.785903  1.033915 -0.471496 -1.4037624 -0.676717 -0.529971 -1.161988 -1.2650715  0.670126  1.320960 -0.128098  0.7186316  0.589902  0.349386  0.221955  1.7491887 -0.328885  0.607929 -0.973610 -0.9284728  1.724243 -0.661503 -0.374254  0.4092509  1.346625  0.618285  0.528776 -0.628470
  • Merge方法


    left = pd.DataFrame({'key': ['foo', 'foo'], 'lval': [1, 2]})right = pd.DataFrame({'key': ['foo', 'foo'], 'rval': [4, 5]})leftOut[151]:    key  lval0  foo     11  foo     2rightOut[152]:    key  rval0  foo     41  foo     5pd.merge(left, right, on='key')Out[153]:    key  lval  rval0  foo     1     41  foo     1     52  foo     2     43  foo     2     5


    left = pd.DataFrame({'key': ['foo', 'bar'], 'lval': [1, 2]})right = pd.DataFrame({'key': ['foo', 'bar'], 'rval': [4, 5]})leftOut[156]:    key  lval0  foo     11  bar     2rightOut[157]:    key  rval0  foo     41  bar     5pd.merge(left, right, on='key')Out[158]:    key  lval  rval0  foo     1     41  bar     2     5
  • Append方法


    df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(8, 4), columns=['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'])dfOut[160]:           A         B         C         D0 -0.496709  0.573449  0.076059  0.6852851  0.479253  0.587376 -1.240070 -0.9079102 -0.052609 -0.287786 -1.949402  1.1633233 -0.659489  0.525583  0.820922 -1.3685444  1.270453 -1.813249  0.059915  0.5867035  1.859657  0.564274 -0.198763 -1.7941736 -0.649153 -3.129258  0.063418 -0.7279367  0.862402 -0.800031 -1.954784 -0.028607s = df.iloc[3]sOut[162]: A   -0.659489B    0.525583C    0.820922D   -1.368544Name: 3, dtype: float64df.append(s, ignore_index=True)Out[163]:           A         B         C         D0 -0.496709  0.573449  0.076059  0.6852851  0.479253  0.587376 -1.240070 -0.9079102 -0.052609 -0.287786 -1.949402  1.1633233 -0.659489  0.525583  0.820922 -1.3685444  1.270453 -1.813249  0.059915  0.5867035  1.859657  0.564274 -0.198763 -1.7941736 -0.649153 -3.129258  0.063418 -0.7279367  0.862402 -0.800031 -1.954784 -0.0286078 -0.659489  0.525583  0.820922 -1.368544


    df.append(s)Out[164]:           A         B         C         D0 -0.496709  0.573449  0.076059  0.6852851  0.479253  0.587376 -1.240070 -0.9079102 -0.052609 -0.287786 -1.949402  1.1633233 -0.659489  0.525583  0.820922 -1.3685444  1.270453 -1.813249  0.059915  0.5867035  1.859657  0.564274 -0.198763 -1.7941736 -0.649153 -3.129258  0.063418 -0.7279367  0.862402 -0.800031 -1.954784 -0.0286073 -0.659489  0.525583  0.820922 -1.368544



  • 分组:选择需要的数据
  • 计算:对每个分组进行计算
  • 合并:把分组计算的结果合并为一个数据结构中
df = pd.DataFrame({'A': ['foo', 'bar', 'foo', 'bar',                    'foo', 'bar', 'foo', 'foo'],                    'B': ['one', 'one', 'two', 'three',                    'two', 'two', 'one', 'three'],                    'C': np.random.randn(8),                    'D': np.random.randn(8)})dfOut[166]:      A      B         C         D0  foo    one -1.252153  0.1728631  bar    one  0.238547 -0.6489802  foo    two  0.756975  0.1957663  bar  three -0.933405 -0.3200434  foo    two -0.310650 -1.3882555  bar    two  1.568550 -1.9118176  foo    one -0.340290 -2.141259


df.groupby('A').sum()Out[167]:             C         DA                      bar  0.873692 -2.880840foo -1.817027 -5.833961



df.groupby(['A', 'B']).sum()Out[168]:                   C         DA   B                        bar one    0.238547 -0.648980    three -0.933405 -0.320043    two    1.568550 -1.911817foo one   -1.592443 -1.968396    three -0.670909 -2.673075    two    0.446325 -1.192490



  • 堆叠 Stack


    tuples = list(zip(['bar', 'bar', 'baz', 'baz','foo', 'foo', 'qux', 'qux'],['one', 'two', 'one', 'two','one', 'two', 'one', 'two']))tuplesOut[172]: [('bar', 'one'), ('bar', 'two'), ('baz', 'one'), ('baz', 'two'), ('foo', 'one'), ('foo', 'two'), ('qux', 'one'), ('qux', 'two')]## 设置两级索引index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(tuples, names=['first', 'second'])indexOut[174]: MultiIndex(levels=[['bar', 'baz', 'foo', 'qux'], ['one', 'two']],           codes=[[0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3], [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1]],           names=['first', 'second'])## 创建DataFramedf = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(8, 2), index=index, columns=['A', 'B'])dfOut[176]:                      A         Bfirst second                    bar   one    -0.501215 -0.947993      two    -0.828914  0.232167baz   one     1.245419  1.006092      two     1.016656 -0.441073foo   one     0.479037 -0.500034      two    -1.113097  0.591696qux   one    -0.014760 -0.320735      two    -0.648743  1.499899## 选取DataFramedf2 = df[:4]df2Out[179]:                      A         Bfirst second                    bar   one    -0.501215 -0.947993      two    -0.828914  0.232167baz   one     1.245419  1.006092      two     1.016656 -0.441073


    stacked = df2.stack()stackedOut[181]: first  second   bar    one     A   -0.501215               B   -0.947993       two     A   -0.828914               B    0.232167baz    one     A    1.245419               B    1.006092       two     A    1.016656               B   -0.441073dtype: float64


    stacked.unstack()Out[182]:                      A         Bfirst second                    bar   one    -0.501215 -0.947993      two    -0.828914  0.232167baz   one     1.245419  1.006092      two     1.016656 -0.441073stacked.unstack(1)Out[183]: second        one       twofirst                      bar   A -0.501215 -0.828914      B -0.947993  0.232167baz   A  1.245419  1.016656      B  1.006092 -0.441073stacked.unstack(0)Out[184]: first          bar       bazsecond                      one    A -0.501215  1.245419       B -0.947993  1.006092two    A -0.828914  1.016656       B  0.232167 -0.441073


  • 表格转置

    df = pd.DataFrame({'A': ['one', 'one', 'two', 'three'] * 3,'B': ['A', 'B', 'C'] * 4,'C': ['foo', 'foo', 'foo', 'bar', 'bar', 'bar'] * 2,'D': np.random.randn(12),'E': np.random.randn(12)})dfOut[190]:         A  B    C         D         E0     one  A  foo -0.933264 -2.3874901     one  B  foo -0.288101  0.0232142     two  C  foo  0.594490  0.4185053   three  A  bar  0.450683  1.9396234     one  B  bar  0.243897 -0.9657835     one  C  bar -0.705494 -0.0782836     two  A  foo  1.560352  0.4199077   three  B  foo  0.199453  0.9987118     one  C  foo  1.426861 -1.1082979     one  A  bar -0.570951 -0.02256010    two  B  bar -0.350937 -1.76780411  three  C  bar  0.983465  0.065792


    pd.pivot_table(df, values='D', index=['A', 'B'], columns=['C'])Out[191]: C             bar       fooA     B                    one   A -0.570951 -0.933264      B  0.243897 -0.288101      C -0.705494  1.426861three A  0.450683       NaN      B       NaN  0.199453      C  0.983465       NaNtwo   A       NaN  1.560352      B -0.350937       NaN      C       NaN  0.594490




  • 时间间隔调整

    rng = pd.date_range('1/1/2019', periods=100, freq='S')rng[:5]Out[214]: DatetimeIndex(['2019-01-01 00:00:00', '2019-01-01 00:00:01',               '2019-01-01 00:00:02', '2019-01-01 00:00:03',               '2019-01-01 00:00:04'],              dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq='S')ts = pd.Series(np.random.randint(0, 500, len(rng)), index=rng)ts.head(5)Out[216]: 2019-01-01 00:00:00    2452019-01-01 00:00:01    3472019-01-01 00:00:02    1132019-01-01 00:00:03    1962019-01-01 00:00:04    131Freq: S, dtype: int64## 按10s间隔进行重新采样ts1 = ts.resample('10S')ts1Out[209]: DatetimeIndexResampler [freq=<10 * Seconds>, axis=0, closed=left, label=left, convention=start, base=0]## 用求平均的方式进行数据整合    ts1.mean()Out[218]: 2019-01-01 00:00:00    174.02019-01-01 00:00:10    278.52019-01-01 00:00:20    281.82019-01-01 00:00:30    337.22019-01-01 00:00:40    221.02019-01-01 00:00:50    277.12019-01-01 00:01:00    171.02019-01-01 00:01:10    321.02019-01-01 00:01:20    318.62019-01-01 00:01:30    302.6Freq: 10S, dtype: float64## 用求和的方式进行数据整合 ts1.sum()Out[219]: 2019-01-01 00:00:00    17402019-01-01 00:00:10    27852019-01-01 00:00:20    28182019-01-01 00:00:30    33722019-01-01 00:00:40    22102019-01-01 00:00:50    27712019-01-01 00:01:00    17102019-01-01 00:01:10    32102019-01-01 00:01:20    31862019-01-01 00:01:30    3026Freq: 10S, dtype: int64


  • 显示时区:

    rng = pd.date_range('1/1/2019 00:00', periods=5, freq='D')rngOut[221]: DatetimeIndex(['2019-01-01', '2019-01-02', '2019-01-03', '2019-01-04',               '2019-01-05'],              dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq='D')ts = pd.Series(np.random.randn(len(rng)), rng)tsOut[223]: 2019-01-01   -2.3276862019-01-02    1.5278722019-01-03    0.0639822019-01-04   -0.2135722019-01-05   -0.014856Freq: D, dtype: float64ts_utc = ts.tz_localize('UTC')ts_utcOut[225]: 2019-01-01 00:00:00+00:00   -2.3276862019-01-02 00:00:00+00:00    1.5278722019-01-03 00:00:00+00:00    0.0639822019-01-04 00:00:00+00:00   -0.2135722019-01-05 00:00:00+00:00   -0.014856Freq: D, dtype: float64
  • 转换时区:

    ts_utc.tz_convert('US/Eastern')Out[226]: 2018-12-31 19:00:00-05:00   -2.3276862019-01-01 19:00:00-05:00    1.5278722019-01-02 19:00:00-05:00    0.0639822019-01-03 19:00:00-05:00   -0.2135722019-01-04 19:00:00-05:00   -0.014856Freq: D, dtype: float64
  • 时间格式转换

    rng = pd.date_range('1/1/2019', periods=5, freq='M')ts = pd.Series(np.random.randn(len(rng)), index=rng)tsOut[230]: 2019-01-31    0.1971342019-02-28    0.5690822019-03-31   -0.3221412019-04-30    0.0057782019-05-31   -0.082306Freq: M, dtype: float64ps = ts.to_period()psOut[232]: 2019-01    0.1971342019-02    0.5690822019-03   -0.3221412019-04    0.0057782019-05   -0.082306Freq: M, dtype: float64ps.to_timestamp()Out[233]: 2019-01-01    0.1971342019-02-01    0.5690822019-03-01   -0.3221412019-04-01    0.0057782019-05-01   -0.082306Freq: MS, dtype: float64




    prng = pd.period_range('2018Q1', '2019Q4', freq='Q-NOV')prngOut[243]: PeriodIndex(['2018Q1', '2018Q2', '2018Q3', '2018Q4', '2019Q1', '2019Q2',             '2019Q3', '2019Q4'],            dtype='period[Q-NOV]', freq='Q-NOV')ts = pd.Series(np.random.randn(len(prng)), prng)tsOut[245]: 2018Q1   -0.1126922018Q2   -0.5073042018Q3   -0.3248462018Q4    0.5496712019Q1   -0.8977322019Q2    1.1300702019Q3   -0.3998142019Q4    0.830488Freq: Q-NOV, dtype: float64ts.index = (prng.asfreq('M', 'e') + 1).asfreq('H', 's') + 9tsOut[247]: 2018-03-01 09:00   -0.1126922018-06-01 09:00   -0.5073042018-09-01 09:00   -0.3248462018-12-01 09:00    0.5496712019-03-01 09:00   -0.8977322019-06-01 09:00    1.1300702019-09-01 09:00   -0.3998142019-12-01 09:00    0.830488Freq: H, dtype: float64


    prng.asfreq('H', 'end') Out[253]: PeriodIndex(['2018-02-28 23:00', '2018-05-31 23:00', '2018-08-31 23:00',             '2018-11-30 23:00', '2019-02-28 23:00', '2019-05-31 23:00',             '2019-08-31 23:00', '2019-11-30 23:00'],            dtype='period[H]', freq='H')







  • 类型转换:astype('category')

    df = pd.DataFrame({"id": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6],"raw_grade": ['a', 'b', 'b', 'a', 'a', 'e']})dfOut[255]:    id raw_grade0   1         a1   2         b2   3         b3   4         a4   5         a5   6         edf['grade'] = df['raw_grade'].astype('category')df['grade']Out[257]: 0    a1    b2    b3    a4    a5    eName: grade, dtype: categoryCategories (3, object): [a, b, e]
  • 重命名分类:cat

    df["grade"].cat.categories = ["very good", "good", "very bad"]df['grade']Out[269]: 0    very good1         good2         good3    very good4    very good5     very badName: grade, dtype: categoryCategories (3, object): [very good, good, very bad]
  • 重分类:

    df['grade'] = df['grade'].cat.set_categories(["very bad", "bad", "medium","good", "very good"])df['grade']Out[271]: 0    very good1         good2         good3    very good4    very good5     very badName: grade, dtype: categoryCategories (5, object): [very bad, bad, medium, good, very good]
  • 排列

    df.sort_values(by="grade")Out[272]:    id raw_grade      grade5   6         e   very bad1   2         b       good2   3         b       good0   1         a  very good3   4         a  very good4   5         a  very good
  • 分组

    df.groupby("grade").size()Out[273]: gradevery bad     1bad          0medium       0good         2very good    3dtype: int64


  • Series

    ts = pd.Series(np.random.randn(1000),index=pd.date_range('1/1/2000', periods=1000))ts = pd.Series(np.random.randn(1000),index=pd.date_range('1/1/2019', periods=1000))ts = ts.cumsum()ts.plot()Out[277]: 
    import matplotlib.pyplot as pltplt.show()


  • DataFrame画图


    df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(1000, 4), index=ts.index,columns=['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'])df = df.cumsum()plt.figure()Out[282]: 



  • CSV

    • 写入:

    • 读取:

  • HDF5

    • 写入:

      df.to_hdf('foo.h5', 'df')
    • 读取:

      pd.read_hdf('foo.h5', 'df')
  • Excel

    • 写入:

      df.to_excel('foo.xlsx', sheet_name='Sheet1')
    • 读取:

      pd.read_excel('foo.xlsx', 'Sheet1', index_col=None, na_values=['NA'])



>>> if pd.Series([False, True, False]):...     print("I was true")Traceback    ...ValueError: The truth value of an array is ambiguous. Use a.empty, a.any() or a.all().


